With all the greay rainy weather we've had this summer, I've had a fair bit of time to get stuck into some indoor projects, including sewing a new duvet cover and matching cushion covers.
The fabric shop round the corner were selling this fabric at a ridiculous price (I think it was about £2 a metre) so I couldn't say no really, and I'd bought the remnants of the roll before I even knew what I was going to do with it.
I measured the length of one of our other duvet covers and realised that although I had more than enough in length, the width of the fabric wasn't wide enough to match the width of the duvet cover. So, I measured the difference, divided it by two and cut two strips to add down each side to make up the width on both the front and back of the cover.
I pinned all sections together face to face (inside out) on the top ad both sides of the cover, making sure that the main underside bit of fabric was slightly longer than all other sections in order to sew it folded back on itself as pocket to hold the duvet inside. I haven't decided whether I'm going to attach buttons yet.
For the cushions, I measured the cover cases I already had, folded the remaining material into quarters, pinned them all together, measured out the cover dimensions (including 1.5cm extra for the seam) and marked them on the underside of the material with a pencil.
Then I carefully cut out the four rectangles, pinned two sections together
face to face, and used the sewing machine to sew the two long and one of the short sides, before turning the covers the right way out. I then folded in about 5cm of the remining ends, pinned them and inserting the cushions.
With the cushion pads in, I then pinned the fourth ends closed, and used a simple stitch to sew them closed.