Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Customised sunglasses


It's been a while. I can't believe the amazing summer we've been having in London so far - I hope it lasts!


On a summery note, I absolutely love these Tommy Hilfiger retro pastel sunglasses, they epitomise summer for me - such light, fun, care-free colours (similar to a Fab ice lolly) while of course, being super practical!

I have loads of pairs of sunglasses at home - some nice, some fake designer, some free with magazines - so I couldn't really justify buying another pair. Instead I set about transforming a plain black pair with the simple and wonderful thing that is nail varnish.

I created a guide for a straight line by covering up the bits I didn't want to paint with sellotape:

...and the attacked the top half of the glasses with a light icey blue nail varnish:

Once that was dry, I painted the inside of the frame with a contrasting bright coraly orange:

Et voila, as easy as painting your nails!